About the Journal


Revista Comunicando (e-ISSN  2182-4037) is a scientific and academic journal, being dedicated to the area of ​​Communication Sciences and its interfaces with Social and Human Sciences. Created in 2012 within the scope of the Sopcom's Young Researchers Working Section, it is one of the scientific journals managed by Portuguese Association of Communication Sciences (Sopcom) associates.

The purpose of Revista Comunicando is to promote interdisciplinarity in the teaching and learning process among the members of Sopcom and other researchers in the field, as well as to serve as a vehicle for disseminating scientific production in Communication Sciences. The publication aims to give visibility to quality, innovative and original research, contributing as much as possible to the emancipation of Social Sciences in a broad sense. It seeks to report on current research, inspiring future work in these areas and encouraging the exchange of knowledge among authors on theoretical approaches, methodological options, and bibliographic references. The publication also aims to be a gateway for young researchers in the field of Social and Human Sciences, maintaining high standards of quality. For this reason, Revista Comunicando ensures a review process that values rigor and transparency with the main purpose of promoting a process of growth and continuous improvement for authors who submit papers for consideration.

Revista Comunicando has a continuously open call for papers and is published twice a year (January-June and July-December), but follows the modality of continuous publication.

Over the years, Revista Comunicando has had several people associated with the Young Researchers Working Group who have contributed to its development.



Revista Comunicando publishes four types of manuscripts.

  • Articles: publication of results of studies and scientific investigations. 
  • Interviews: interviews with experts, researchers, or professionals who have relevant knowledge and practical experience in the field of communication sciences. These interviews can address current topics, trends, challenges, and opportunities in the field, as well as provide valuable insights into the state of the art of research and practices in communication.
  • Reviews: critical reading of recently published works.
  • Experience Reports: a space for sharing practical experiences and reflections in a specific area of study. Authors have the opportunity to report their personal experiences (such as internship reports, field journals/reports), highlighting concrete examples of applying theoretical concepts, the challenges faced, lessons learned, and contributions to the field. These accounts have a structure similar to other academic articles but are more descriptive, emphasizing personal narrative and critical reflection on the experiences.


The journal has three sections.

  • The thematic sections are the result of occasional calls for papers and are developed in partnership with other Sopcom working groups.
  • The special sections are a space for the publication of scientific articles or essays produced as part of master's or doctoral programmes, resulting from previously established partnerships. They maintain the rigorous peer review process.
  • Varia has a permanent open call in the different areas of Communication Sciences.


All texts submitted undergo double-blind peer review.



Revista Comunicando is an online, open access publication that follows a rigorous double-blind peer review system. It is aimed at the entire academic and scientific community, from beginners to established researchers and professionals, both nationally and internationally. The journal accepts original and unpublished academic papers, rejecting plagiarism maneuvers (using a detection system - CopySpider version 2.1.1), disguised republication, or academic papers of dubious authorship.

Revista Comunicando accepts submissions in Portuguese, in English and Spanish. However, as the statutes of Sopcom dictate - given the association's objective of being, in some way, the face of the national scientific community of Communication Sciences in Portugal and abroad -, the journal is favorable to publication in Portuguese, so all Portuguese-speaking authors should opt for it.



  1. The Revista Comunicando is an online open access publication. It is published bi-annually (January-June and July-December), but follows a continuous publication mode. The Revista Comunicando has a ongoing call for papers, accepting works throughout the year, although thematic calls for papers may be announced.
  2. Each submission is subject to primary analysis by the editors, to ensure that the works fit within the scope of Revista Comunicando and comply with the submission guidelines. If any of the authors have previously published in Revista Comunicando, it is recommended that a minimum interval of one year be respected before submitting a new text.
  3. The works that meet the essential requirements are sent for evaluation to referees, academic or professional experts, who can be recruited from the editorial board or external, in order to undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review process. The Editorial Board is composed of PhD specialists in the different areas of Communication Sciences covered by Revista Comunicando. The review is carried out taking into account several pre-established criteria, such as the relevance of the theme, the originality of the work, the clarity of the analysis, the theoretical/methodological approach, and the conclusions of the work.
  1. Based on the opinions of the reviewers, the editors will issue an editorial decision, which will be communicated to the authors within a maximum of 90 days after submission. The opinions may point to one of the following recommendations:
  • accept submission;
  • accept with required changes;
  • submit again for review with required revisions;
  • reject submission.
  1. The authors will have a maximum period of four weeks to present the finished article, including suggestions for improvement or correction presented and/or required by the reviewers.
  2. All accepted manuscripts will be subject to final reading and formal review by the editorial team, following which changes may be requested. 
  3. Proofs will be sent to the authors , which will have a maximum period of one week for validation.

Authors are not charged any fees for processing article submissions.



Revista Comunicando follows a double-blind peer review process, and the decision to publish depends on the acceptance of two external reviewers, at least one of whom is a native speaker of the language used in the work to be published. Reviewers, academic or professional experts, from different institutional and geographic backgrounds, will be  external experts or recruited from the Editorial Board according to the journal's theme and/or the content of the submitted papers.



Revista Comunicando only publishes original content, and the authors are responsible for verifying the absence of plagiarism. Authors also compromise not to submit their work to another publication while under review in Revista Comunicando.

Revista Comunicando is guided by the Principles of Transparency and Best Practices in Academic Publications of COPE (Publishing Ethics Committee). By submitting their work, the authors also agree with the standards of ethical behavior established by COPE.

Any complaint related to the editorial process should be sent to Sopcom's management: secretariado[at]sopcom.pt



Revista Comunicando is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.

Revista Comunicando offers open access and immediate access to its content, based on the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available provides a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Revista Comunicando allows self-archiving of the following versions: author's preprint (version prior to peer review), author's postprint (author's version corrected and accepted for publication, after the peer review process), and editor's postprint (publisher's final version), always providing bibliographic details that give credit to its publication in this journal. All versions can be immediately available for reading, downloading, copying, distribution, printing and research (with the origin of the publication being duly referenced).

The authors retain the copyright, but grant Revista Comunicando the right of first publication. The work will be licensed under a Creative Commons License - Attribution 4.0 International.


APCs (article processing fees) AND SUBMISSION FEES

Revista Comunicando does not charge authors any kind of submission or publication fee.



Associação Portuguesa de Ciências da Comunicação (Sopcom)

Instituto de Ciências Sociais – Universidade do Minho – 4710-057 Braga

Email: secretariado[at]sopcom.pt